Rabbi Lazer Brody - Purim and Netillah: The Connection
The Connection Between Purim and Netillah
Tune in as Rabbi Lazer Brody truly WOWS with an incredible class bound to inspire you to infuse more meaning into the mitzvah of Netillah.
About Rabbi Lazer Brody
Rabbi Lazer Brody was born in Washington, D.C. in 1949. A graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park where he studied agriculture. He moved to Israel in 1970 and joined the Israel Defense Forces. He spent 19 years in regular and reserve-army combat service before becoming a military chaplain. He held this position until his discharge from the IDF after 29 years of service.
A graduate of the Aish HaTora rabbinical seminary in Jerusalem, Rabbi Brody holds rabbinical ordinations from Rabbi Noach Weinberg osb"m of Aish HaTora in Jerusalem, Rabbi Yitzchak Kulitz osb"m Head Rabbi of Jerusalem, Dayan Natan Kupschitz shlit'a from Jerusalem, and Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg shlit'a from Jerusalem.
Author of "The Trail to Tranquility", "The Path to Your Peak" and many other books in Hebrew and English, Rabbi Brody is also the English translator of the worldwide best-selling "Garden of Emuna," "Garden of Peace" and "Garden of Gratitude". Dubbed "The Voice of Emuna" by Israel National Radio and a former show host there, he is a sought-after inspirational and motivational speaker. He speaks to audiences of all backgrounds, both in Israel and abroad, as well as a renowned spiritual guide and life coach.
In addition to his rich background as a soldier, farmer, rabbi and spiritual guide, he is a certified personal fitness trainer and health coach with ACCT and ExpertRating certifications, with a unique holistic approach to health of body, mind and soul.
"Lazer Beams," Rabbi Brody's award-winning daily web journal that has been on the web for over a decade and a half, has now morphed into "Emuna Beams", built around his podcast of emuna and encouragement that people around the globe enjoy daily.
Inspired to bring the mitzvah of Netillah to the next level? Consider purchasing one of our 100% Pure Copper Netillah cups from our website linked here.
How to Care For Your Copper Cups
Keeping Copper Items
It would only make sense that if you spend money on something, you should do your best to make it last. Though many people don’t care for their items to make them stay looking like new, Netillah is dedicated to teaching our customers how to make our product last. Our Netillah cups are made with 100 percent real copper. Because of this precious metal, our cups have the potential to last for decades and pass from generation to generation. Of course, this can only happen if the owner of our cups knows how to take care of them.
In this blog, we will discuss proper cleaning rituals you can do to maintain your copper cups, or any other copper-based items. Due to the fact that copper-ware is so popular right now, we hope that this blog will be useful not just for our cups, but any other copper items you might own.
Cleaning Your Netillah Cups
One of the most important ways to keep anything for a long period of time is by keeping it clean. Though not all things should be thoroughly scrubbed, your copper items definitely need to be. With copper materials, it is best to scrub off any oil or residue left on the surface. If you have ever used a copper item that has residue on it, it looks blurry and dirty — both things that are not desirable in kitchenware. So, how do you properly clean copper items? Well, with copper it is important that you have a cotton towel or rag that is completely clean. No matter which method you decide to use to clean your copper cups, you will need a cotton cloth to wipe them down.
It is important to note, that your cloth must be completely clean. If there is any dirt or substance on your rag, your copper cups will attract that grime and it will appear on its surface.
General Cleaning
Of course, for any kitchenware item, you can clean it with regular soap and water. The only issue with general cleaning is that it is not as precise as other cleaning methods. Washing your copper cups with just soap and water could actually add residue where there doesn’t need to be. For example, when you clean with dish soap, the soap can leave an entire layer of residue that near-to-impossible to take off.
However, if you do decide to use this method to clean your copper items, be use to dry them off thoroughly. The more you dry off and rub the residue off, the more clean and shiny your items will be. However, if you are washing with dish soap, this will leave behind a lot of residue that you will have to dry off once, twice, even three times.
Lemon and Salt
Lemon and salt are two ingredients that make for an excellent scrub. By cutting a lemon and covering it with salt, you can create a scrub that chemically reacts with the copper material. After using the lemon on the sides and inside of your mug, make sure you rinse off the lemon juice thoroughly and dry with a cotton towel. Don’t be discouraged if you have to wash your cup a second time to get all the residue off. Oil can be stubborn to get off of copper, no matter the cleaning method.
Vinegar and Baking Soda
For this cleaning method, simply place a mixture of three-parts vinegar and one part baking soda. Once this solution is mixed together, dip a sponge into the solution and apply it to the Netillah mug. In small circles, polish your mug with this solution and then rinse off. You will be stunned by the shine of your copper items after you are done. The only drawback to this method is that vinegar isn’t a desirable smell to everyone.
Ketchup Solution
This method, too, is only useful if you don’t mind the smell of ketchup. This style of cleaning uses ketchup. With a toothbrush, put some ketchup on the bristles and move in a circular motion. After the entire surface is covered with ketchup, rinse it off and dry it with a cotton towel.
Netillah: A Gift for Life
If you are interested in one of our mitzvah copper cups, shop Netillah today!
The Benefits of Drinking From A Pure Copper Cup
Copper Cups and Their Benefits
Copper cups have become all the rage. But, why? What makes copper mugs so desirable? In today’s consumer market, it is hard to tell if something is a trend just because it looks nice, or if it actually is better for you. We are here to tell you that pure copper cups have a plethora of benefits which attributes to there sudden, and rapid popularity.
In this blog, we will discuss some of the many benefits of owning a pure copper cup. Best of all, you can find one of these cups on our website linked here.
Everyone knows the look of a classic copper mug. Most, however, see a copper mug and associate it with an alcoholic beverage. Moscow Mules are commonly drunk from copper mugs. The reason for this is often attributed to copper's ability to take in temperature. Copper is a great conductor of heat and is also a wonderful thermal conductor. Though copper is can take in heat well, it also is susceptible to cold as well. Typically Moscow Mules are placed in these cups for their ability to amplify the temperature of the ice in the glass. After all, who doesn’t like a cool, refreshing drink?
Water Purification
Pure copper cups are a great item to own because they have purification qualities. When you drink from a pure copper cup, the metal helps extract bacteria and other impurities from common drinking water. Most tap water will have antimicrobial properties in it, copper helps remove these impurities and allows you to drink more purified beverages. Even if you purchase a copper cup to drink non-alcoholic beverages, the copper material still offers you added benefits.
Taste Benefits
Though this might be a more suggestive benefit, some have claimed that copper mugs improve the taste of certain beverages. For those who drink alcoholic beverages out of copper cups, it has been claimed that the flavor of vodka is enhanced in a copper mug. But, how? Luckily, science is able to answer this question and make this claim seek not so far-fetched. Experts have said that when alcohol is placed into a copper cup, the copper begins to immediately oxidize. The chemical reaction then enhances the aroma and taste of the liquor. This is yet another reason why Moscow Mules are commonly served in pure copper cups.
Religious Ceremonies
Copper cups also have religious value as well. In the Judaism, there is a ceremony called netilat-yadayim, also known as “washing of the hands.” This ceremony is used before and after major religious prayers and meals, as well as early in the morning. The ceremonial washing of the hand will typically include a copper mug with two handles. According to the Book of Moses, it is mentioned that Moses washes his hands in a copper basin before approaching Hashem (G-d). Because of this, copper is recognized as a pure material to enable enrichment and purification ceremonies.
Netillah Pure Copper Cups
At Netillah, we specialize in providing our customers with pure copper cups to aid in their religious ceremonies. Our double-handled cups are perfect for any washing ceremony and is a great gift to give anyone in your family or friend group. Contact our business for more details and shop our store today.
Passover Traditions and Gifts
The Passover Holiday
The holiday of Passover, or Pesach, is a time to celebrate the emancipation of the Israelites from Ancient Egypt. The holiday is celebrated over an eight-day period, from March 30th to April 7th. This period of time is referred to as the Hebrew month of Nissan. During the festival, Jewish families around the globe partake in a Seder feast. Before the meal, certain Jewish prayers and customs are performed in order to pay respect to the mass migration of the Israelites for Egypt to the Holy Land. During the Seder, families use four cups of wine, eat matzah, and taste bitter herbs, all while reciting the story of the Exodus. The word ‘Passover’ is in reference to the moment that G-d passes over Egypt and spares the Jewish families. In this pass over, G-d kills every firstborn, including the Pharaoh's son. Due to his devastating grief, the Pharaoh releases the Jews from slavery and allows them to leave with G-d’s messenger, Moses, so they can travel to the Promised Land.
The Jewish Prayers of Pesach
During Passover, there are many prayers and traditions that must be followed. The meal is a way to celebrate Israelite freedom, socialize, as well as share knowledge and traditions to the younger members of your family. Passover can be an especially important holiday because it gives families the opportunity to teach children table manners, the Hebrew language, as well as the ceremonial traditions of the Jewish faith.
The seder is broken into various steps that must be completed in order. These are the following steps:
In the first portion of the Seder, Kiddush is recited over the first cup of wine called The Cup of Sanctification. If you have children, grape juice is also an acceptable choice. Kiddush is a very common prayer in the Jewish faith, as it is recited not just for the Passover holiday, but for Sabbath as well. It is important not to drink any of the wine or juice until after the blessing has been fully recited.
Once everyone has taken a drink of wine, everyone must wash their hands. This ceremony of Urchatz is also called netilat-yadayim, translated to mean “washing of the hands.” This ceremony is an important feature of the dinner because it is symbolic of purification. The idea of the ceremony is to wash away your impurities as a way to be ‘clean’ before Hashem (G-d). Typically, this ceremony is conducted by passing around a traditional washing cup. These cups are typically designed with two handles. Why? Well, the cups use two handles as a way to ensure that everyone is completely pure. For instance, if you wash one hand and hold the cup with the dirty hand, you will eventually have to switch to wash the second hand. With a two-handled cup, you are able to separate the clean and dirty handle, while also washing both completely. Today, both Kiddush and Urchatz cups are made with any sort of material, however, the traditional cups are made with real medals. Urchatz cups are especially important because they are an essential tool in the purification ceremony.
According to the second book of Moses, also known as Sefer Shemot, it says, “Make Yourself a copper sink with a base of copper for washing and place it between the Tent of Meeting and the Alter and place water there.”
Because the ceremony of netilat-yadayim is about purification, it would make sense that the cup you use would be made out of a pure material. Netillah cups are made of 100 percent pure copper, which makes them extremely suited for any cleansing ceremonies. It is believed in Jewish mysticism, that having a pure product amplifies the quality of your purification ceremony. Because of this, religious items, such as the netilat-yadayim cup are being made with non-synthetic materials.
After washing your hands, you must then pick up a piece of parsley and dip it into a cup of salt water. This is a symbolic reference to the tears shed by the ancient Israelites while in slavery under the Pharaoh. While everyone eats the salty piece of parsley, you must recite the designated prayer.
After you have a salty taste in your mouth, you must then break off a piece of matzah, making sure that you split the matzah in two. The bigger of the two pieces is called the Afikoman. This piece is especially fun because it is later hidden. If you have small children, this portion of the Seder meal is the most fun because they can participate in the scavenger hunt for the piece of Matzah. The person who finds the broken piece gets a prize, such as a sweet treat or a toy.
The Maggid ceremony is when you must retell the story of Exodus and ask the four questions:
- On all other nights, we eat chametz and matzah. Why on this night do we eat matzah?
- On all other nights, we eat all vegetables. Why, on this night, do we eat maror?
- On all other nights, we don’t dip even once. Why on this night do we dip twice?
- On all other nights, we eat either sitting upright or reclining. Why on this night do we all recline?
These questions are all important to answer the overarching question “How is this night different from all the other nights?”
The answer to these questions all tie back to the story of Exodus and the small rituals and blessings recited to celebrate emancipation. Matzah is eaten to symbolize how the Jews left Egypt so quickly that their bread wasn’t able to rise. The maror, or the bitter herbs are a way to symbolize the bitter times in Egypt for the ancient slaves. During the Maggid, you also must take a drink from the second cup of wine called, The Cup of Judgement or Deliverance.
Matzah, Maror, Charoset
During these three ceremonies, you must eat your matzah, taste the bitter herbs, and conduct the Charoset ritual. The Charoset (also spelled haroset) is a combination of fruits, nuts, and honey made into a type of paste. According to Chabad.org, this food is a symbol of the mortar used by the Israelite slaves to build the monuments for the Pharaoh.
Shulchan Orech, Tzafun, Berach
This portion of the Seder is the most anticipated — the meal! You and your guest should recline or sit comfortably while eating your meal, as a symbolism of the relaxation that came to the Jews once they were freed from slavery. It is important while eating that you lean to the left to eat your meal.
After you have eaten your meal, you can participate in Tzafun (dessert). In this ceremony, the hidden matzah from before is found and you can eat celebrate by eating it and any other dessert you would like.
After you have finished eating for the night, a grace is performed. In the Berach, you and your guests thank G-d for the meal and drink the third cup of wine called, The Cup of Redemption.
Hallel and Nirtah
Hallel and Nirtah are the final portions of the Seder and involve drinking the fourth, and last, cup of wine, The Cup of Praise or Restoration. This final cup is also called Elijah’s cup. According to Jewish tradition, when Elijah’s cup, we invite Elijah the Prophet into our homes in order to fully rejoice Jewish emancipation.
Netillah, Pure Copper Cups
Traditions are important because they pass information and beliefs from generation to generation. With a Netillah cup, you can gift your friends and family with a present that will last for years. A Netillah cup is the perfect gift to give to loved ones as a way to continue sacred traditions. If you are interested in your own Netillah cup, shop on our website.
Netillah and Jewish Traditions

Netillah and Jewish Traditions
Learn About Kabbalah, Netillah, and Jewish Holidays
In Judaism, there are different branches of religious beliefs. Kabbalah is a particular section of Judaism that is concerned with the cosmic questions of the universe. Mysticism is a sect of Kabbalah and uses teachings to explain the purpose of creation and Hashem’s (God) interaction with our world. Kabbalah teachings are an integral part of the Torah and can directly trace back to the revelation of Moshe (Moses) on Mount Sinai. The moment in which Hashem gives Moshe the Torah on the mountain is a specific part that Kabbalah teachings try to understand and give meaning to. Within Judaism, Kabbalah primarily tries to find reasoning through spiritual analysis. Kabbalah mysticism specifically looks to seek spiritual ties between the common man and the divinity.
The festival of Shavuot is a holiday that occurs on the sixth day of Sivan, the Hebrew month. This particular time in late May or early June, is dedicated to the anniversary of Moses’ revelation and the day he was given the Torah. It is said, that on the day Moses received the Torah, the entire Israelite nation was waiting and watching for him to descend from Mount Sinai.
Shavuot is one of three biblically based pilgrimage holidays of the Jewish faith, commonly called Shalosh Regalim. On this holiday it is tradition to abstain from work and attend synagogue services throughout the day. At the service, the liturgical poem Akdamut, the Book of Ruth, and the Ten Commandments are recited in order to honor the Torah and its teachings.
During Shavuot, holiday meals center around daily food. Milk is used as a symbol of the Torah, as it “nourishes the people directly.” On this day, dairy-based foods such as cheesecakes, blintzes and kugels are generally eaten.
In 2018, or the Jewish year 5779, Shavuot occurring during sundown on May 19th through May 21st at nightfall. During these days, most Jewish people will devote their days to prayer and feasts.
During Shavuot, Passover, and many other holidays, Jewish traditions call for a ceremonial “washing of the hands.” This ceremony is called Netilat-Yadayim and is an important purification ceremony. Typically, you will see this ceremony performed before a meal or a prayer and afterward recited with a specific blessing. The tradition of netilat-yadayim derives from the ritual of purification from when the ancient temple stood in Jerusalem. In those days, rabbis would use this ritual to clear them of Earthly impurities, as a way to connect themselves closer to God. Throughout the years, the ritual was passed on to all Jews and spread to be incorporated in many Jewish traditions and holidays.
You will most likely hear the blessings and the ritual of netilat-yadayim during Passover (Pesach) Seder. On this holiday, a cup is used for the purification ceremony before eating the matzah. As Passover is a holiday to commemorate the liberation of the Jewish slaves from Egypt, every element of the Seder meal is a symbol for the trials our ancestors. Netilat-yadayim, is a way for us to purify ourselves before God.
Netillah is a 100 percent pure copper cup that is used for the purification ritual of netilat-yadayim. Made with the traditional two-handles, this cup is a long-lasting piece that can be used and passed on from generation to generation. Jewish traditions are primarily about passing on Jewish customs to our children and making sure they understand why Jewish holidays are important. The washing ceremony is an important part of the Jewish faith because it is one of the oldest and most cherished rituals of the Jewish faith.
Netilat-yadayim is a ceremony that takes place not just at meals such as Passover, but at other times as well. For example, the ritual of washing of the hands is also used after a meal, before of blessing, returning from a wake, and during the Jewish morning prayer called negel vasser. Negel vasser translated from Yiddish means “nail water.” This ceremony comes from the Orthodox belief that certain impurities can come to the body during sleep. By washing your hand through with a ceremonial cup, you will be able to rid your body of those impurities and begin your day.
A Gift for Life
Because washing the hands is such a deep-rooted ceremony is most Jewish traditions, it stands to reason that most households would have a ritualistic cup. Jewish families will typically have a ceremonial cups, one for washing, and the other for drinking. Though these cups are acceptable, they are typically made with fake materials, such as plastic. According to the second book of the five books of Moses (Sefer Shemot) it says, that Hashem asks Moses to wash his hands in a copper sink. Our Netillah copper cups are made of, 100 percent copper, as a way to pay respect to the wishes of Hashem. When you purchase a Netillah cup, you are buying more than a religious item, you are buying a gift for life. During every religious holiday, you will be able to use your Netillah cup and know that you are passing down valuable traditions to the next generation. Also, these cups don’t have to be purchased just for your home. If you believe a Netillah cup would make a valuable Pesach gift to your friends and family members, shop our online store.
Interested in one of our cups? Visit us online today to view our product and determine if it would make a good addition to your holidays.
The Story Behind Netillah

The Story Behind Netillah
About 2 years ago, my cousin in Israel Binyamin Israel approached his Rabbi with hopes he could give him some direction as he was having a lot of trouble with parnassah. The Rabbi told my cousin to focus on the mitzvah of netillah. My cousin explained that he already performs the mitzvah of netillah with care. The Rabbi explained to him to perform the mitzvah with a 100% pure copper.
Binyamin went ahead to try and find a 100% copper cup but most of what he found was simply copper plated or in some case the inside was lined with gloss, which would prevent the copper from touching the water. The few copper cups he did find were extremely expensive, upwards of $280 and so he decided to make his own cup. As he began performing the mitzvah he started searching as to the reason behind the use of copper and lo and behold he began finding source after source citing the significance of copper throughout the generations.
It was then that Binyamin decided it was time to share his new found knowledge with others and bring back the copper cup to Am Yisrael. When Binyamin approached me about this, I was extremely excited to have the opportunity to not only bring these important teachings to those who are already performing the mitzvah of Netillah but to also have the opportunity to inform those who don’t perform the mitzvah. The mitzvah of netillah is a true gift given to us with the potential to unleash a tremendous amount of beracha. Imagine if we could bring a pure copper cup into the homes of each and every house within Am Yisrael; imagine the yeshuot!
Our Netillah cup isn’t simply a product, it’s a spiritual vessel. A Gift for Life. A Mitzvah for Life.