The Story Behind Netillah
About 2 years ago, my cousin in Israel Binyamin Israel approached his Rabbi with hopes he could give him some direction as he was having a lot of trouble with parnassah. The Rabbi told my cousin to focus on the mitzvah of netillah. My cousin explained that he already performs the mitzvah of netillah with care. The Rabbi explained to him to perform the mitzvah with a 100% pure copper.
Binyamin went ahead to try and find a 100% copper cup but most of what he found was simply copper plated or in some case the inside was lined with gloss, which would prevent the copper from touching the water. The few copper cups he did find were extremely expensive, upwards of $280 and so he decided to make his own cup. As he began performing the mitzvah he started searching as to the reason behind the use of copper and lo and behold he began finding source after source citing the significance of copper throughout the generations.
It was then that Binyamin decided it was time to share his new found knowledge with others and bring back the copper cup to Am Yisrael. When Binyamin approached me about this, I was extremely excited to have the opportunity to not only bring these important teachings to those who are already performing the mitzvah of Netillah but to also have the opportunity to inform those who don’t perform the mitzvah. The mitzvah of netillah is a true gift given to us with the potential to unleash a tremendous amount of beracha. Imagine if we could bring a pure copper cup into the homes of each and every house within Am Yisrael; imagine the yeshuot!
Our Netillah cup isn’t simply a product, it’s a spiritual vessel. A Gift for Life. A Mitzvah for Life.