Netillah and Jewish Traditions

Netillah and Jewish Traditions
Learn About Kabbalah, Netillah, and Jewish Holidays
In Judaism, there are different branches of religious beliefs. Kabbalah is a particular section of Judaism that is concerned with the cosmic questions of the universe. Mysticism is a sect of Kabbalah and uses teachings to explain the purpose of creation and Hashem’s (God) interaction with our world. Kabbalah teachings are an integral part of the Torah and can directly trace back to the revelation of Moshe (Moses) on Mount Sinai. The moment in which Hashem gives Moshe the Torah on the mountain is a specific part that Kabbalah teachings try to understand and give meaning to. Within Judaism, Kabbalah primarily tries to find reasoning through spiritual analysis. Kabbalah mysticism specifically looks to seek spiritual ties between the common man and the divinity.
The festival of Shavuot is a holiday that occurs on the sixth day of Sivan, the Hebrew month. This particular time in late May or early June, is dedicated to the anniversary of Moses’ revelation and the day he was given the Torah. It is said, that on the day Moses received the Torah, the entire Israelite nation was waiting and watching for him to descend from Mount Sinai.
Shavuot is one of three biblically based pilgrimage holidays of the Jewish faith, commonly called Shalosh Regalim. On this holiday it is tradition to abstain from work and attend synagogue services throughout the day. At the service, the liturgical poem Akdamut, the Book of Ruth, and the Ten Commandments are recited in order to honor the Torah and its teachings.
During Shavuot, holiday meals center around daily food. Milk is used as a symbol of the Torah, as it “nourishes the people directly.” On this day, dairy-based foods such as cheesecakes, blintzes and kugels are generally eaten.
In 2018, or the Jewish year 5779, Shavuot occurring during sundown on May 19th through May 21st at nightfall. During these days, most Jewish people will devote their days to prayer and feasts.
During Shavuot, Passover, and many other holidays, Jewish traditions call for a ceremonial “washing of the hands.” This ceremony is called Netilat-Yadayim and is an important purification ceremony. Typically, you will see this ceremony performed before a meal or a prayer and afterward recited with a specific blessing. The tradition of netilat-yadayim derives from the ritual of purification from when the ancient temple stood in Jerusalem. In those days, rabbis would use this ritual to clear them of Earthly impurities, as a way to connect themselves closer to God. Throughout the years, the ritual was passed on to all Jews and spread to be incorporated in many Jewish traditions and holidays.
You will most likely hear the blessings and the ritual of netilat-yadayim during Passover (Pesach) Seder. On this holiday, a cup is used for the purification ceremony before eating the matzah. As Passover is a holiday to commemorate the liberation of the Jewish slaves from Egypt, every element of the Seder meal is a symbol for the trials our ancestors. Netilat-yadayim, is a way for us to purify ourselves before God.
Netillah is a 100 percent pure copper cup that is used for the purification ritual of netilat-yadayim. Made with the traditional two-handles, this cup is a long-lasting piece that can be used and passed on from generation to generation. Jewish traditions are primarily about passing on Jewish customs to our children and making sure they understand why Jewish holidays are important. The washing ceremony is an important part of the Jewish faith because it is one of the oldest and most cherished rituals of the Jewish faith.
Netilat-yadayim is a ceremony that takes place not just at meals such as Passover, but at other times as well. For example, the ritual of washing of the hands is also used after a meal, before of blessing, returning from a wake, and during the Jewish morning prayer called negel vasser. Negel vasser translated from Yiddish means “nail water.” This ceremony comes from the Orthodox belief that certain impurities can come to the body during sleep. By washing your hand through with a ceremonial cup, you will be able to rid your body of those impurities and begin your day.
A Gift for Life
Because washing the hands is such a deep-rooted ceremony is most Jewish traditions, it stands to reason that most households would have a ritualistic cup. Jewish families will typically have a ceremonial cups, one for washing, and the other for drinking. Though these cups are acceptable, they are typically made with fake materials, such as plastic. According to the second book of the five books of Moses (Sefer Shemot) it says, that Hashem asks Moses to wash his hands in a copper sink. Our Netillah copper cups are made of, 100 percent copper, as a way to pay respect to the wishes of Hashem. When you purchase a Netillah cup, you are buying more than a religious item, you are buying a gift for life. During every religious holiday, you will be able to use your Netillah cup and know that you are passing down valuable traditions to the next generation. Also, these cups don’t have to be purchased just for your home. If you believe a Netillah cup would make a valuable Pesach gift to your friends and family members, shop our online store.
Interested in one of our cups? Visit us online today to view our product and determine if it would make a good addition to your holidays.